Hi everyone,
Please review the attached memo. This memo has been faxed and emailed to all the Education Directors and Principals involved with the Nishnawbe Aski Nation(NAN) First Nation Student Success Program (FNSSP).
As you will see, we are requesting content for the next FNSSP newsletter. We would like a success story from each of the communities involved in the NAN FNSSP project. Feel free to share a story on how the FNSSP program is helping in your school and students. The content is due Friday, March 9 or sooner. The content should be approximately 400-500 words or less, plus an image. There are more details in the attached memo.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks
Ron Marano
First Nation Student Success Program Coordinator
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
Direct Line: (807) 625-4925
Reception: (807) 623-8228
Toll free: (800) 465-9952
Facsimile: (807) 623-7730
Email: rmarano@nan.on.ca