First Nation Student Success Program (FNSSP)
The First Nation Student Success Program (FNSSP) is an initiative of the Government of Canada to set the foundation for long-term reform of First Nation education. A key component of the broader Reforming First Nations Education Initiative, the FNSSP is a proposal-driven program designed to support First Nation educators on reserve (Kindergarten to Grade 12) in their ongoing efforts to meet their students' needs and improve student and school results.
In particular, the program will help First Nation educators to plan and make improvements in the three priority areas of literacy, numeracy and student retention.
The FNSSP has three components:
- School Success Plans: To introduce a consistent and comprehensive school success plan and support the development and implementation of activities outlined within the plan;
- Student Learning Assessments: The results of student learning assessments are used to identify areas for improvement. At a minimum, schools will participate in their respective provincial standard testing process. The FNSSP will support First Nation schools in selecting and implementing student achievement testing tools; and
- Performance Measurement: To support a First Nation school's ability to monitor the progress of students, manage schools and program-related information, and make it easier to gather, analyze and report on financial and performance indicators.
In response to the Government of Canada's call for proposals for the First Nation Student Success Program, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre (KERC), Northern Nishnawbe Education Council (NNEC), Keewaytinook Okimakanak Services (KNET), Weenusk and Mattagami First Nations partnered to submit a proposal to administer the program for a service area.
Last modified: Monday, 16 August 2010, 02:18 PM