Picture of Sharon Chapman
by Sharon Chapman - Friday, 17 September 2010, 07:34 AM
While I love the FNSSP website and visit it regularly, I can not keep up with the notification emails. Is there any way to stop the email notifications so I can peruse the FNSSP website at my leisure and not worry about my email account capacity. Another thought is a mass email that highlights a week's top events or information.

Brian and grandchildren
Re: Emails
by Brian Beaton - Friday, 17 September 2010, 08:42 AM

Sharon ... Thanks for the feedback. Personally I find that the FNSSP email messages are my only way of keeping up on what people are posting on the FNSSP site. They help me to know that people are using this site to share and distribute information. I clicked on REPLY from the FNSSP message you posted to create this response. It is a lot easier for me to do it this way rather than going to the site and possibly missing some messages.

I also am finding it interesting to see that there are teachers and FNSSP staff who are not using this site for sharing their work and information with everyone. It seems to me that the only way that our kids and the First Nation schools are ever going to change and be as successful as possible is if EVERYONE is sharing and working together in an open and transparent manner.

One service that we can easily do is provide everyone who signs onto the FNSSP site with additional storage space for your email messages, if that is required. Just call Marie Carson at KNET (877-737-KNET x0) and tell her that you have a FNSSP account and require additional storage space. The one thing that I am hearing and seeing is that many people do not use that powerful DELETE button enough for managing,organizing and maintaining their messages. If you know the message is stored on the FNSSP site then you know you delete the message if you do not want to use the information later.

I am not sure if there is a weekly archive feature but maybe Fernando can answer that one.

I hope this helps ...


Picture of Fernando Oliveira
Re: Emails
by Fernando Oliveira - Friday, 17 September 2010, 09:34 AM
Hi Sharon,

Try this:
  1. Click on your name to open your profile
  2. Select the Edit Profile tab
  3. Click on the “Show Advanced” button, if it’s not already active
  4. Scroll down to the section “Email Digest Type” and select “Subject”
  5. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click on the “Update Profile” button.
With this selection, you will receive one Email per day with the titles of all the posts. You can then click on the titles to access the posts. Alternatively, you can select “Complete”, which will include all the posts, again in a single (daily) Email.

Hope this helps,
