Picture of serena kenny
Dear Artists and Educators
by serena kenny - Thursday, 16 June 2011, 02:30 PM

Dear Artists and Educators:



I wanted to bring your attention to a program you may or may not be already aware of. This program, titled “Artists in Education” allows artists to apply to the OAC to receive funding to deliver arts programming  in the schools.  If the artist is successful, the project is published on a roster. As well, the project is highly subsidized (approximately 85%) for schools.  Artists may apply for travel, which makes it possible for artists to visit communities other than where they live.   Ultimately, however, it is our hope that more artists from the Far North and Northwestern Ontario apply for this program, (with the deadline being every mid-January) and therefore work in their own communities. 


A new roster has just been published on our website for the upcoming 2011/2012 school year.  Feel free to pass this information along to schools and teachers who may be interested in taking advantage of the program. 




If you are a practicing artist and in the future, you would like to apply, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at the OAC to obtain information about the application process. We’re here to help!

All the best,





Eleanor Albanese

Interim Associate Arts Education Officer | Responsable adjointe intérimaire de l'éducation artistique

Ontario Arts Council | Conseil des arts de l'Ontario

tel | tél647.258.5075

toll-free | sans frais:1.800.387.0058 ext.| poste 5075

ealbanese@arts.on.ca / www.arts.on.ca