I was able to attend a Professional Development workshop this past week where the guest speaker Debbie Diller and Associates discussed Guided Reading.
Here are some simple steps to follow when leading the Guided Reading Sessions with your students.
Step 1: Activate Previous Knowledge- ask your students some questions about what they think the book will be about based on the cover page.
Step 2: Introduce the Book- give the students some knowledge of what will happen in the book. (Don't give the whole thing away but if something gets lost in the book as the students if there has ever been a time when they lost something.
Step 3: Give the students a task while they read. "Read to find out...the sequence of events" (If you choose to do sequencing with your students have 4 events from the story already written out that students can look for while they read) (Then give students post it's to mark the place in the story when that event happens)”Read to find out...How Johnny learns to solve his problems."
Step 4: Reading independently. Have students read quietly to themselves (whisper read for younger students) then teacher goes to 2 or 3 students during this time and asks them to read to her/him. This is when the teacher makes anecdotal notes on how the student is doing in the small group.
Step 5: Sharing. Taking up the focus questions and discussing what the students have read. (This step gives all students the chance to share what they have learned from the text, they flip through back to the post it notes to check the sequencing that they were asked to look for.)
Here is the actual time frame for a guided reading session:
Before Reading Activities 5 minutes
-building background knowledge, purpose for reading, quick book introduction, skill to practice.
During Reading Activities 10 minutes
-students read independently, teacher listens, students are engaged in the text related to the focus.
After Reading Activities 5 minutes
-discuss reading, return to focus and discuss. Teacher gives positive comment about reading strategies being used by the group.
20 minutes in total