Leadership Class cooking for canteen
School wide literacy activity
by Darby Starratt - Thursday, 23 September 2010, 11:21 AM

Hi everyone,

At Pelican we have been testing out school wide activities for literacy, numeracy and language.  Our first school wide literacy activity was a success so i thought I would share it with you. 

I've attached the instructions and some parts of the activity.  The idea was to have each class finish 4 literacy-related activities and then unscramble a final word.  The first class who finished received a prize.  I've attached the instructions and two of the literacy activities (Wuzzle and Crossword).  I photocopied a wordsearch and I also used a word jumble sheet that can be found here http://www.printactivities.com/WordJumble.html

The wuzzles can be found at http://www.wuzzlesandpuzzles.com/wuzzles/

I made the crossword myself using the website: http://www.puzzle-maker.com/CW/

The kids were very engaged and seemed to have fun while learning!.