Regular counting practice is a good way to develop a child’s mental math skills. Counting games are a fun and quick way to get counting practice. They can be used in any grade!
“Counting up” from one is good for Kindergarten students, but older students can “count on” (e.g. count on from five). Children can practice skip counting (e.g. “by twos” or “by threes”) to build knowledge of their times tables. They can also practice “counting back from” (e.g. count back from ten) and “counting up to”.
Counting games can be as creative as you want. Children can sit or stand in a circle and take turns counting. Reverse the direction from time-to-time to add to the fun. They can pass a ball as they count. They can clap or jump as they count. If children are positioned in front of a row of chairs, they can sit (or stand) as they count. You students can count as they walk. Have a counting relay race. Let them invent their own counting games.
What are you doing for counting in your classes? Please share your counting games and ideas!
-Pete (with thanks to Frank).