Picture of Hilary  Hardeman
Teacher Ideas from the Summer Institute
by Hilary Hardeman - Monday, 30 August 2010, 09:53 AM

The FNSSP team was able to gather some fantastic ideas from teachers during our Summer Institute.

Marla Ostamas from Deer Lake:

Using a Buddy Reading program where older students are paired with younger students to read.  Students reading logs are then posted on a growing bookworm.


Angelita from Wawakapewin: 

Uses Choral Reading with her class. For a description of Choral reading and how to use it inside your own classroom go to the following link.  http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/mla/speak023.html this source is great to explain what is expected before you begin choral reading with your class, during the process and the assessment afterwards.  The source discusses terminology for using this method in your class.  This activity can be modified to fit any level of student.


 Angelita helped to remind me of another great teaching strategy called Readers Theatre. You do not need a drama background to use this strategy in your classroom.   http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/de/pd/instr/strats/readerstheatre/index.html  this source is easily displayed with headings:

What is Readers' Theatre ?

What is its purpose?

How can I do it?

How can I adapt it?

Assessment & Evaluation Considerations

The information on the site is clear precise and only 2 pages long.  As well as it contains resources for teachers who would like to use this strategy with their classes.  This strategy would be excellent for a multi level classroom.