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First Nation Innovation - Publications

Sharing our research results through publications has been a major focus of our work since our collaborative partnership began in 2004. The publications from the First Nations Innovation project (2013-ongoing), the VideoCom project (2006-2012), the First Mile project (2010-2012), and the RICTA project (2004-2005) are all stored on this website.

You can click on this link to access and download a pdf document with hyperlinks to all the publications and abstracts that you can search for keywords. We also have a comprehensive publication policy that you can access and download from this link.

On the left of this page you can access our publications in chronological order, listed by type of publication:

  • Articles (peer-reviewed) translated into French
  • Book chapters and journal articles (peer-reviewed)
  • Conference papers and proceedings (abstracts peer-reviewed)
  • Reports (documenting specific studies we conducted) and misc publications
  • Magazine, newspaper articles, briefs (easily-digested information)
  • Presentations (Powerpoint presentations at meetings & conferences)
  • RICTA publications (from the networking activity prior to our research)
  • Background publication (one of the earliest articles on this topic)


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