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Conference Papers and Proceedings
#70 (2014)

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Publication #70 2014, May - Valuing the social economy and information and communication technologies (ICT) in small remote First Nations

Reference: Beaton,B., Seibel, F. & Thomas, L. (2014). Valuing the social economy and information and communication technologies (ICT) in small remote First Nations. Association of Social Economy and Non-Profit Research, Brock University, St.Catherines, Ontario, May.

: Remote First Nations (Indigenous communities) in Canada are challenging contemporary colonialism with their effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) supporting their local social economy. Out of necessity caused by scarce resources, the social economy in First Nations uses innovative ICT solutions to support required services, economic opportunities, and sustainable communities. The analysis of a 2014 online survey provides insights into the nature of the social economy in these unique remote communities and how their use of ICT is evolving as their local economy matures. A critical examination of local social enterprises and entrepreneurs through an Indigenous lens supports the resurgence of a healthy Indigenous economy in small, remote communities in Canada’s far north. Emerging from 500 years of oppressive and racist colonial regimes, policies, and attitudes, First Nations remain resilient. They are determined to live their lives with dignity, respect, strength, and determination in their traditional territories.Following the teachings and wisdom found in thousands of years of a rich and vibrant history merged with and supplemented by modern communication tools, First Nations are sharing and protecting all their relationships with their natural environment and others.

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