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Conference Papers and Proceedings
#73 (2014)

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Publication #73 2014, May - Digital Data Management in Kahnawà:ke

Reference: McMahon, R., LaHache, T., and Whiteduck, T. (2014). Digital Data Management in Kahnawà:ke. Canadian Sociological Association. Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario, May.

Abstract: Indigenous communities are addressing the ongoing impacts of settler colonialism through a variety of expressions of resurgence. Among these initiatives are those leveraging digital technologies. In the emergent network society, digital infrastructures and information and communication technologies are powerful tools that can support self-government activities. This paper documents the development of digital data management in the Mohawk community of Kahnawà:ke. Our study outlines how Kahnawà:ke supports community data management through an enabling environment that includes administration (policies, analysis, supervision), technical architectures (infrastructure, connectivity), data management systems, and personnel.

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