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#67 (2014)

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Publication #67 2014, April - Introduction to the Special Issue: The First Mile of Broadband Connectivity in Communities

Reference: McMahon, R., Philpot, D., O'Donnell, S., Beaton, B., Whiteduck, T., Burton, K., Gurstein, M. (2014) Introduction to the Special Issue: The First Mile of Broadband Connectivity in Communities. Journal of Community Informatics, 10 (2).

Abstract: This special issue of the Journal of Community Informatics profiles First Mile projects and efforts that are as innovative, unique and vibrant as the communities from which they emerge. Several contributions in this issue deal with Canadian cases and others with remote and rural contexts around the world. "First Mile" refers to broadband infrastructure development that puts the needs of local communities first and ahead of the needs of private sector telecommunication corporations. Around the world, broadband infrastructure and networks are rapidly being developed in communities marginalized in the network society. The relationships, structures and agreements put into place at this early development stage will shape how broadband systems are created and managed in the future. First Mile strategies include developing locally owned and managed telecommunication structures and networks

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