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Conference Papers and Proceedings
#52 (2013)

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Publication #52 2013, June - Face-to-Faces Work: Audience Response to First Nations Social Movement Videos

Reference: Philpot, D., O’Donnell, S., Kenny, C. (2013) Face-to-Faces Work: Audience Response to First Nations Social Movement Videos. Canadian Communication Association, University of Victoria, June 5-7.

Abstract: There has been considerable public interest in the role of alternative media in protest movements and social movements in general. Virtually all of the commentary has focused on the production and dissemination of these alternative media forms by social movement actors rather than the reception of these alternative messages by audiences. The current study begins this discussion by applying a critical analysis to the results of an exploratory study of the reception by the general public of online videos about First Nations. The methodology includes an empirical study of how people viewed and responded to two online videos about First Nations culture. Although both our study and analysis is very exploratory we believe it is an important contribution because of the lack of previous research on this topic.


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