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#35 (2010)

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Publication #35 2010, Putting the ‘last-mile’ first: Re-framing broadband development in First Nations and Inuit communities

Reference: McMahon, R., O’Donnell, S ., Smith, R., Woodman Simmonds, J., Walmark, B. (2010) Putting the ‘last-mile’ first: Re-framing broadband development in First Nations and Inuit communities. Vancouver: Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology (CPROST), Simon Fraser University, December.

Abstract: This report is from the First Mile project, a collaboration led by Simon Fraser University.The report paints a picture of First Nations and Inuit community-based broadband networks and information and communication technologies in Canada. It highlights the very different levels of broadband infrastructure and connectivity that exist across the country. Even at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, many of these communities remain unserved or underserved when compared to their neighbours in urban Canada. But despite a lack of abundant broadband infrastructure and robust connectivity services, in many cases these communities are planning, administering, managing and, sometimes, owning digital networks and technologies. They are also applying these technologies to deliver broadband-enabled public and community services in areas like health, education, government, culture and language. Despite decades of innovative, community based work in this area, to our knowledge this is the first comprehensive study and record of these activities.

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