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Conference Papers and Proceedings
#29 (2011)

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Publication #29 2011, June - Keewaytinook Mobile in Fort Severn First Nation

Reference: O’Donnell, S., Kakekaspan, G., Walmark, B., Mason, R., Mak, M. (2011) Keewaytinook Mobile in Fort Severn First Nation. Canadian Communication Association Conference, Fredericton, June 1-3.

Abstract: Fort Severn First Nation is a remote fly-in Cree community on Hudson Bay. About 400 people live in the community, and their lifestyle reflects a deep respect for and connection to the land. In November 2009, Fort Severn and its tribal council, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, established Keewaytinook Mobile (KM) service in the community. KM, an innovative community-owned and managed GSM cellular and data service, is an example of self-determination applied to telecommunications. It is also the result of a number of strategic partnerships that came together to address local needs and priorities. This paper includes a review of the history of Keewaytinook Mobile and its implementation in Fort Severn First Nation, and a study of how and why community members are using or not using the service. The analysis is based on interviews with 42 community members conducted in March 2010 and a follow-up discussion with community members in November 2010. The paper discusses the challenges, opportunities and ways forward for KM in Fort Severn.


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