Here for You
A Sexual Health and Wellness Circle
The priority is education, letting people know the risks. It's not just a white man's disease, it's not just a gay disease. If you have sex, you can get it. If you do IV drugs, steroids, you can get it. If you tattoo unsafely, you can get it. They have to realize it's not a disease that discriminates. I guess it forces us not to discriminate. So, maybe that's a good thing.
- an Aboriginal person living with HIV/AIDS
From NorthWestern Health Unit: http://www.nwhu.on.ca/
Did you know:
- The most common Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) in Northwestern Ontario is Chlamydia.
- Anybody engaging in unprotected oral, vaginal, and anal sexual activity is at risk.
- It only takes once.
- You can get more than one STI at a time.
- Many people have no symptoms with an infection.
- Symptoms could include a discharge, pain during sex, abdominal pain, burning/pain when peeing and unusual vaginal bleeding.
- Condoms used during oral, anal or vaginal sexual activity can reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.
- Untreated STI's can result in infertility for both men and women.
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