by Tyler Meekis - Friday, 21 January 2011, 04:37 PM
Jan 17 Trouble Shooting At A Residence
Jan 18 traveled to Poplar Hill – installed Modem, USP, Switches on the racks, made our own panels to hold up the modems.Adjusted the racks to better accommodate the equipment.Installed the Patch Cables and called Terence to input the modems into the database.
Jan 19 Installed 2 Drops from pole to pole and into the conduit, waited for permission to drill into the building. Internet went down in Poplar Hill, we drove around and adjusted the Trunk Amps, and Jeremy went to the head end and looked at the internet system.
-put the cable line through the building and installed the Splitters
-put in 4 cable lines to the Panel Room from the basement and wired them.
-neatly tie down everything in the rack, loose connections.
Jan 20 In The Morning. Tested all Ethernet Jacks if internet works. Travel Back To Deer Lake. Went Back To Work, Collect Messages & Post Them On Air.Sold cell phone with Jeremy, talked to cell phone customers.