Michael ... How about organizing a a series of online information workshops for teachers, students and other school staff on the effective use of ELDER in First Nation school classrooms?
This series of workshops can be archived and made available on the ELDER meeting place as a set of professional development series that others can use as they explore these classroom learning and teaching tools. This PD series can use different e-learning tools available at KO-KNET including videoconferencing, Adobe Connect and MoodleFN.
Some of the possible workshop topics might include:
Introducing the ELDER Project including a tour of the meeting place environment;
Using older computers in the classroom - repairing the computers, loading appropriate software for the capabilities of the machines, etc
Setting up existing classroom computers so students and teachers can choose to use either existing operating systems (Windows or Mac) or a Linux systems such as Ubuntu
Asking teachers and students what type of information they might require to assist them in their classrooms and in their learning experience.
The workshops can be promoted with a poster for each session that is emailed and faxed to the school and asked to be placed in the teacher's mailboxes. They can be NEWS items in the FNSSP and ELDER meeting places.