Boozhoo, Ah'niin and Greetings dear visitors to the website and all our supporters!
we have arrived in Thessalon and will be spending the night here.
we would like to tell you more about our group, indeed our new family.
we are mostly youth from the ages of 13-18. we have two small kids and one 7 year old.
many come from Grassy Natrrows, others have joined ont he way: from Six Nations, from Saugeen, Israel and communities up north. there is an interesting dynamic in our group where each plays a unique role and is a part of a bigger puzzle, one which has made us stronger on our spiritual journey--this walk to heal Mother Earth, all its creatures, our Nations, communities, families and individuals.
Yes, we do get into arguments and disagreements. But, like any FAMILY, it's only temporary and actually brings us more close together and growing respect, harmony, courage and love for each other.
We went to a sweat last night in Garden River. All the poisons and negative energies in our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits we had accummulated since we were born, are being slowly let go and purified so that our families, kids and grandkids and their grandkids as well our Mother can breathe freely.
To end this message, i would to share with you another sign that this walk has a special meaning and purpose. The number of feathers we have on our staff is twenty two. The staff has been with us since we started the walk on April 30. only later more people have joined us. we had not known for sure how many would; but we are twenty two two-leggeds walking together with our heads high! coincidence or smth bigger than us?! i'll leave it to you
forgot to mention that when i said that people from the northern communities are walking with us too, i couldnt remember the names. there is a brother and his kid from Mishkeegogamang and another from Trout Lake. there is devastation happening in their lands as well. that is one of the main common denominators of the walkers on this walk.
getting ready to carry on towards Sudbury. it's a good day to walk--not too hot or too cold--just cloudy!
It was an honour to finally meet the faces of the ones in my prayers for so many days. The group photo is below so you can see them too. We had the chance to sit and talk at Thessalon First Nations: Chi Miigwetch to Chief David Giguere and the Community for the food and hospitality. We sang songs at the sacred fire and talked about the meaning of our walks and how they began, we found it especially interesting that Crissy had an old woman in her dream and I had an old man in mine, and then the male and female energies creating balance on this walk on the same path in both directions. There was much more discussed but too much to write about, but one thing was how love, respect and humility were the Grandfathers to keep with us above all else. The truth was there in the facts, the courage and honesty were demonstrated in the walk, and the wisdom would be learned through this entire experience. I wish you all well and send much love to you all and know we will meet again. Chi Miigwetch to ALL OUR REALTIONS that have supported both walks along the way...we are all walking together in Spirit everyday. Special miigwetch to Serpent River First Nations for there warm welcome, dinner and support...Cutler People are awesome and have big smiles too......ehhh!