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Raising the Children Program in Memory of Lorraine Kenny (1955-2010)

Sioux Lookout - Ontario

Tuesday, 4 October 2011, 10:05 PM
In Memory of Lorraine Kenny (1955-2010)

Honouring those whose journey on this earth is over is an important traditional value respected by First Nations. When Lorraine Kenny's work was completed on this earth, her family decided to honour her memory by making the Raising the Children Native Parenting Training Manual available online so everyone could benefit from her work.

The Raising the Children Program works with Aboriginal parents to ensure the happiness and well-being of their children. The training manual was first published in 1994 and continues to be an important resource for Aboriginal parenting facilitators across Canada.

The Raising the Children program is a response to the need for culturally appropriate parenting material for people who grow up in Aboriginal communities. Many Native people living and working in remote First Nations suffered through residential school experiences, and their children are being raised in an atmosphere where racism and other negative attitudes are common. Raising the Children provides a parenting training experience with information that can be applied in their lives.

Learn more about Lorraine Kenny

The Raising the Children Program is dedicated to the late Lorraine Kenny (1955 - 2010) who developed and wrote the program in partnership with many colleagues, parents, communities, and her family.

Lorraine was also instrumental in starting up many organizations and movements to support Aboriginal women, families and children, and the survivors of residential schools.

Watch Part 1 of the Raising the Children video:

To continue watching the rest of the video, visit this site...

Here is a video of the 2004 Pelican Falls Residential School Gathering:


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