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Fort Severn

First Mile videos from KiHS in Fort Severn

Fort Severn - Ontario

Friday, 22 June 2012, 06:02 PM
Keewaytinook Internet High School Students in Fort Severn produced three videos for the First Mile project.

In the first video Isaiah Koostachin goes out on the land with the Canadian Rangers to interview them about technology. We learn what people like best about technology, how they use it and what challenges they face.

WMP video
** If this video loads slowly try this link **

Learn more about technology in Fort Severn before and after the Internet arrived.

Next, Grade 10 student Chad Bluecoat gives a speech about the need for a new school in Fort Severn. Chad has been going to school in the community since grade 5. He takes online classes through KiHS.

The KiHS classroom in Fort Severn is supported by a community owned and operated local network. That network connects different public services in the community, including for health.

Fort Severn is connected to the rest of Canada and the world through a satellite link managed by a partnership between First Nations and Inuit organizations. You can read about that connection here.

The Internet link in the KiHS classroom made it possible for Chad to share his speech not only to people in Fort Severn, but to others around the world.

Connectivity also helps students tell their own stories. In this last video, Levius Miles and his friends capture a rare sight – a visit from the Sasquatch...

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Learn about Fort Severn's technology history

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