Positively Negative Workshop Outline
The Big STIs
STI stands for Sexually Transmitted Infections (sometimes called STDs, Sexually Transmitted Diseases). There are more than 20 kinds of STIs but we are going to talk about the “Big 8” –the 8 that can be fatal (i.e., can cause death).
STIs are infections caused by viral or bacterial organisms. It is possible to be infected with an STI and not know it because:
· The symptoms haven’t shown up yet
· The symptoms are so mild that you might not notice them
· The symptoms are in places that are hard to see, and you might not notice them
· The symptoms came, and then went away
Even if there are no noticeable symptoms, the infections can still be passed to others.
Anyone can get an STI. It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, married or single, rich or poor. You can’t tell if someone has an STI just by looking at them (sometimes you can’t even tell if you have one yourself). If you are over the age of 13 you can get tested confidentially (<13yrs your parent would be contacted if you tested positive for anything).
Elicit the 8 following STIs and write them on the board as they get named:
1. HIV/AIDS -virus
2. Herpes -virus
3. HPV -virus
4. Hep B -virus
5. Hep C -virus
6. Gonorrhea -bacteria
7. Chlamydia -bacteria
8. Syphilis -bacteria
***All 8 can be absorbed through ANY mucous membrane! (lining of vagina, rectum/anus, urethra/penis, mouth, eyes, nose)
Go briefly over each of the 8 STIs here –use your own judgment to decide how much detail to give (based on class age, knowledge, interest, etc.)
1. HIV/AIDS - infects the immune system
H uman Immunodeficiency Virus
A cquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome
- Transmission: entry into the body (through membranes or bloodstream) of one of 4 possible body fluids of an infected person (blood, semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk)
- Symptoms: none initially. Eventually opportunistic infections may result due to immune system suppression.
- Testing: blood test
- Treatment: Antiretroviral medications. No cure.
2. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) - infects a
mucous membrane; HSV 1 – usually oral (60% of adults infected), HSV 2 – usually genital (20% of adults infected)
*can cross infect!
*biggest confounder for transmitting HIV!
a. Transmission: contact of genitals/mucous membranes with someone’s lesions or just before an outbreak
b. Symptoms:
i. periodic appearance of fluid filled blisters, flu like symptoms
ii. Sometimes there are no noticeable symptoms (less than ½ of people know they are infected)
c. Testing: No test available in Canada unless you have visible blisters (a doctor may be able to diagnose based on observation or test fluid from blisters)
d. Treatment: Drugs (antivirals) can reduce severity and frequency of outbreaks. The virus cannot be eliminated from the body (i.e., no cure)
i. Vaccine development initially looked promising (in lab trials) however doesn’t seem to work in humans
3. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) –
“warts”- infects skin or a mucous membrane
a. Transmission: contact with someone’s warts or infected site
b. Symptoms:
i. There are over 200 types of HPV and many have no symptoms. The majority of sexually active people have some form of HPV.
ii. appearance of warts or possibly itchy lesions on skin
iii. Linked to cervical cancer in women and anal cancer in men. Apart from smoking it’s leading cause of mouth/throat cancer
c. Testing: No test available in Canada unless you have visible blisters (a doctor may be able to diagnose based on observation)
d. Treatment: Surgery, laser removal, or freezing can get rid of warts, but the virus is still in the body (no cure). Annual pap smears to detect abnormal cells and prevent cancer.
4. Hepatitis B - infects the liver
a. Transmission: entry into the body (through membranes or bloodstream) of one of 5 possible body fluids of an infected person (blood, semen/pre-cum, vaginal fluid/menstrual blood, breast milk, saliva)
b. Symptoms:
i. sometimes none or mild
ii. Fever, fatigue, jaundice, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
iii. cirrhosis or cancer of the liver
c. Testing: blood test
d. Treatment:
i. Rest
ii. A preventative vaccine is available (given in grade 6 in BC)
iii. Medications eliminate the virus in some people (40-50% effective), but have serious side effects
iv. 10% become carriers for life - 50% of carriers develop serious liver problems (cirrhosis and cancer)
v. No cure!
5. Hepatitis C - infects the liver
a. Transmission: entry into the body (through membranes or bloodstream) of blood
b. Symptoms:
i. sometimes none or mild
ii. Fever, fatigue, jaundice, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
iii. cirrhosis or cancer of the liver
c. Testing: blood test
d. Treatment:
i. Treatment exists but can be accompanied by serious side effects and is only effective in 40-50% of cases
ii. 85% become carriers for life - 50% of carriers develop serious (liver problems cirrhosis and cancer)
iii. No cure!
6. Gonorrhea - “clap”- infects a mucous membrane
(vagina, cervix, urethra, rectum, eyes, throat)
a. Transmission: occurs by exposure of mucous membrane/genitals to infected person’s semen or vaginal fluid
b. Symptoms:
i. sometimes painful urination, unusual discharge from vagina/penis, lower abdominal pain
ii. sometimes no symptoms
iii. can cause scarring in fallopian tube in left untreated which can lead to ectopic pregnancies/can cause prostate infection
*~1000 women/year die from ectopic pregnancies (usually related to gonorrhea/Chlamydia)
*gonorrhea and Chlamydia are the leading causes of female infertility in North America
c. Testing: swab (cervix, throat, urethra, rectum)
d. Treatment: cure with antibiotics –both partners need to be treated!
7. Chlamydia - infects a mucous membrane (vagina, cervix,
urethra, rectum)
a. Transmission: occurs by exposure of mucous membrane/genitals to infected person’s semen or vaginal fluid
b. Symptoms:
i. sometimes painful urination, unusual discharge from vagina/penis, lower abdominal pain
ii. sometimes no symptoms (in 50-75% of infections)
iii. can cause scarring in fallopian tube in left untreated which can lead to ectopic pregnancies
c. Testing: swab (in vagina or urethra), or urine sample
d. Treatment: cure with antibiotics –both partners need to be treated!
8. Syphilis - infects a mucous membrane and eventually
organs if untreated
*prevalence increasing again –people testing positive without any
a. Transmission: occurs by exposure of mucous membrane/genitals or openings in the skin to infected person’s chancre or rash (which contains the bacteria)
b. Symptoms:
i. 1st phase: painless chancre (“sore”) at site of infection
ii. 2nd phase: painless rash on any part of the body
iii. 3rd phase: infection or organs such as brain and heart (causes heart disease, insanity, and arthritis)
c. Testing: blood test
d. Treatment: cure with antibiotics