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Positively Negative Workshop Outline
Getting Tested for HIV

How can you tell if someone is infected with HIV?

The only way is to take a blood test, because there are no symptoms. 1/3 of the people living with HIV don’t know they have it.

You must wait at least 3 months after your most recent possible exposure. Often called the “window period”, this is the time it takes for the antibodies to develop in your blood. If you get tested before 3 months, the test will not be accurate.

3 months = 98% effective 6 months = 100% effective

There are 3 kinds of testing one can choose to determine their HIV status:

  • Anonymous Testing: allows you to be tested without giving your name or contact information.
  • Coded Testing: allows you to be tested without giving your name, instead you are given a code which can be used to obtain your results.
  • Named Testing: you name is given and attached to the confidential test results.

Testing for HIV is done with a blood test called ELISA. The test looks for HIV antibodies produced in the blood. Inaccuracy is a problem of the test because of the time antibodies take to develop, as well as false positive results caused by health conditions like hemophilia and pregnancy. Results usually take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks to arrive.

Another test used to determine HIV infection status, often used as a confirmation, is the Western blot which identifies if specific HIV proteins (antibodies) exist in the blood.

In addition to the regular blood testing methods, there is a rapid test that can be done with results ready in as little time as 20 minutes. The test involves pricking the finger to draw blood which is then tested for HIV. The problem with this test is that the positive result is not conclusive and the regular blood test will also be needed as confirmation. But, the negative result means you are negative for HIV.

Counselling surrounding HIV testing is an important issue. Being tested can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for people. It is crucial to get pre-test and post-test counselling, especially when choosing the rapid test, in order to help one deal with the implications of their test results.
