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Smart Sex Workshop Outline
Birth Control Methods

Activity Summary:

Participants will be presented with the options available for birth control. They will become aware of the several methods available including the use, pros and cons, effectiveness, and cost. The aim is to enable the participants to make informed decisions about the contraceptive method they choose to use to protect themselves.

Now we are going to discuss the many different types of birth control. When selecting a birth control method you want to assess the effectiveness, the risks and side effects, the potential benefits, and the costs.

The best birth control method, though, is the one that fits with your goals, values, likes and dislikes, and daily lifestyle. Use the information presented as a tool to help you come to a decision as to which birth control method fits the best for you.

An important thing to remember is that birth control often only protects against pregnancy and other measures such as condoms need to be used at the same time to protect against HIV and STIs. 

  • Birth control pills – These are pills that a woman takes daily to prevent pregnancy and are often called "The Pill". They are made of hormones similar to those found naturally in a woman's body. The Pill works mainly by preventing the ovary from releasing an egg. Factors such as missed pills, taking the pill at different times each day, and drug interactions contribute to pill failure. When used properly, the pill is 99% effective. A monthly supply of pills can range from $5 - $30 depending on your medical coverage. Pro: low failure if used properly, low cost, easy to use. Con: requires prescription, must be taken at same time everyday, no STI protection.


  • Condoms – These are thin barriers made of latex, plastic, or natural membranes like lambskin. There are both male and female condoms, the male condom being the most popular. The male condom fits over a man's penis. The female condom fits inside a woman's vagina. Both male and female condoms work by preventing sperm from entering the vagina and reaching an egg. Condoms are 90% effective when used the way most people use them which is not completely correct. They cost anywhere from 20¢ - $2.50, and often condoms can be found free at health clinics and facilities. Pro: protects against STIs, inexpensive, easy to use. Con: more responsibility for male partner, considered an interruption.


  • Spermicide – This is a chemical that kills sperm. It comes in different forms such as foams, films, creams, jellies and suppositories. Spermicide is inserted deep into a woman’s vagina just before having sexual intercourse. Spermicides provide some pregnancy protection when used alone, but are much more effective when used with another method. For example, use with a condom increases effectiveness to 98%. Spermicide costs anywhere from $7 - $18, or about 25¢ per use. Pro: ease of use. Con: specifically timed use, no STI protection, needs another barrier for effectivness.


  • Hormone injection – This is a shot called Depo Provera that a woman gets 4 times a year (every 10 - 12 weeks) to prevent pregnancy. It contains synthetic medicine that is like progesterone - a naturally present hormone in a woman's body. The shot works mainly by preventing the ovary from releasing an egg. This method is 99.7% effective. It costs between $30 and $75 per injection. Pro: lighter to no period after a year, may protect against ovarian cancers. Con: injection may be painful, no STI protection.


  • Vaginal ring – This is a small, flexible plastic ring that a woman places in her vagina each month to prevent pregnancy. The ring releases hormones, like the ones in many birth control pills, into a woman’s body through her vagina. A new ring is put in each month instead of taking a pill every day. The ring works mainly by preventing the ovary from releasing an egg. It is 98.2% effective and costs $30 - $35 for each ring. Pro: effective, minimal side effects. Con: must be changed monthly, prescription, and no STI protection.


  • Contraceptive patch – This is a thin, beige plastic patch - about the size of a matchbook - that is worn on a woman’s skin to prevent pregnancy. The patch contains hormones just like the ones in most birth control pills. It releases these hormones through the skin and into the bloodstream. The hormones prevent the ovary from releasing an egg. Instead of taking a pill every day, a woman sticks on a new patch each week for 3 weeks, leaving one week with no patch. The patch is 99.7% effective, but decreases when the user is over 198 pounds. A monthly supply of patches is about $30 - $35. Pro: minimal side effects, don’t have to take a pill each day. Con: requires a prescription, and offers no STI protection.


  • Diaphragm -- This is a soft rubber dome that a woman inserts into her vagina before sexual intercourse. It fits over the cervix and is held in place by the vaginal muscles. It is used with spermicidal cream or jelly. The diaphragm works by blocking sperm from entering the opening to the uterus. This method is 87 – 98% effective and costs range from $15 - $50. Pro: reusable, easy to carry and use. Con: requires a prescription, may contribute to urinary tract infections.


  • Cervical cap – This is a small rubber cup that a woman inserts into her vagina before sexual intercourse. The cervical cap fits tightly over the woman's cervix. It is used with spermicidal cream or jelly. The cervical cap works by blocking sperm from entering the uterus. This method is only 87 - 98% effective. Cervical caps range from $15 - $50 and last for 2 years. Pro: reusable, easy to carry and use. Con: can get stuck or dislodged, requires a prescription.


  • Intrauterine device (IUD) – This is a small, T-shaped piece of flexible plastic that fits inside a woman's uterus to prevent pregnancy and must be put there by a doctor. There are 2 types of IUD's: copper and hormonal. The copper IUD lasts 10 years and the hormonal IUD lasts 5 years. IUDs work mainly by preventing fertilization, and interfering with the sperm's ability to reach the egg. IUD’s are 99% effective when used properly. They cost around $40 plus the cost of a doctor’s visit to insert it. Pro: convenient, long lasting. Con: may cause cramps and bleeding, prescription required.


  • Emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) – Also known as “The Morning After Pill,” this is a special dose of combined birth control pills that prevents pregnancy for up to 5 days after having unprotected sex. ECP is very safe and the sooner it’s taken, the more effective it is. EC works mainly by preventing the ovary from releasing an egg through high dosages of hormones. The effectiveness is from 75 – 89% and the ECP costs anywhere from $8 – 35, but can be found for less. Pro: can be kept on hand for emergencies, safe. Con: can make you sick, no STI protection.


  • Female sterilization (tubal ligation) – This is a form of permanent surgical birth control. This means it is not reversible. A tubal ligation is a minor operation that blocks a woman's fallopian tubes (the tubes that carry the egg to the uterus). Female sterilization works by blocking the egg from reaching sperm. A tubal ligation is 98% effective and costs around $2000. Pro: safe and effective. Con: cost, if do get pregnant have higher ectopic risk, no STI protection.


  • Male sterilization (vasectomy) – This is a form of permanent surgical birth control. This means it is not reversible. A vasectomy is a simple operation that blocks the tubes that carry sperm from a man's testes to his penis. Male sterilization works by blocking the sperm from leaving the man's body. A vasectomy is 99% effective and costs between $400 and $600. Pro: very effective method. Con: irreversible, does not protect against STIs.


  • Abstinence – This means not having sex. If practiced properly it is the only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Some people make the choice to abstain from sexual intercourse, but engage in other sexual activities. Others may choose to abstain from sexual activity altogether. Pro: this method is free, has no side effects, and prevents against all STIs and HIV. Con: requires willpower and discipline.