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Human Graph Workshop Outline Human Graph Activity Sheet Please circle your answer for each of these statements. A = Agree D = Disagree U = Undecided Don’t sign your name, it’s anonymous. You should only have sex if you love someone.
You and your partner will have more pleasure if you communicate what you want and don’t want.
It’s okay to masturbate.
The size of a penis affects a partner’s pleasure.
Two guys can be in love.
You can stop sexual activity at any time.
All women have orgasms from vaginal sex.
Being drunk makes sex better.
Anal and oral sex don’t count as real sex.
What happens in porn happens in real life too.
If you carry a condom, it means you want sex.
If anything hurts, you should stop and try something different.
If you have sex with multiple partners you’re a slut.
It’s easier to say no to someone your own age than it is to say no to an older person.
If a girl is on birth control you don’t need a condom.
Sexual invitation may be expressed unknowingly through the clothes you wear.
If you experiment sexually with someone from the same sex it means you are gay.
If you say no you’re “a freeze”.
It’s the guy’s responsibility to provide the condom.
“SEX” implies mutual consent.