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Human Graph Workshop Outline

Human Graph Workshop Outline

1. Introduce the facilitators, the organization, and our goals. Talk briefly about making the classroom an open, respectful place for people to talk without being judged.

2. Human Graph Activity

3. Final Questions/Conclusion and Evaluation Form

Goal: Address topics that are potentially controversial amongst teens (for example: stigma, peer pressure, slang terms, sexual expression, homosexuality, protection) to try and debunk some common misconceptions and stereotypes, and also to stimulate dialogue about such topics.

You Will Need:

  • Human Graph copies (8 ½ x 14) –one per student
  • Evaluation Forms (students) and Post Presentation Form (facilitators)
  • Contact Information:


Hi, my name is _____________. I work to promote awareness and responsibility among youth about smart sex, healthy relationships, and HIV and sexually transmitted infections.

Here is my contact information (have name, website, email address on board) so that if you think of any questions after the workshop you can ask them or you can look up some information on the topics we’ll be covering.

Today we are going to discuss some potentially controversial statements through a workshop called the ‘Human Graph’. To do this we need to make everyone in the class comfortable so that they will be willing to talk about their opinions. How can we make sure that everyone is comfortable talking? (Elicit responses such as: respect, listen when someone talks, don’t laugh at anyone, there’s no such thing as a stupid question, everything that is said in the room stays in the room….write these responses on the board.)

Human Graph Activity

Hand out a Human Graph to each student. Give them a minute to read the instructions at the top of the page.

Recap for them: “Read a statement, think about it, and then decide whether you agree (A) with it, disagree (D) with it, or are undecided (U). Circle the corresponding letter. Do this for each statement. When you are finished turn over your paper.”

When all students have their paper turned over collect them, shuffle them, and then redistribute one to each student.

*NOTE –you can skip this step if the students tell you they are comfortable expressing their opinion in front of the class, otherwise this takes away the shyness because they are representing an unknown person’s opinion

Read through the statements one at a time, using one side of the room as ‘Agree’, the other as ‘Disagree’, and the center as ‘Undecided’ (you may want to move the desks around so they can sit). Have students move to the side of the room that corresponds to the answer circled on the page they have in front of them.

For each statement ask the students on the ‘Agree’ side why they think someone might agree with the statement (remember that they may not agree, but the person’s sheet they have did). Do the same for the ‘Disagree’ side. Use the questions below as guidelines to stimulate discussion –you don’t have to ask them all.


Ask the participants if they have any questions. Answer any questions you can, otherwise refer to our contact information or give them resources to find the answer. Leave them with contact information in case they think of questions later and would like to contact you (you wrote this on the board at the beginning of the workshop).

Ask the participants to fill out an evaluation form to let us know what they thought of the workshop. Tell them to be honest, and that it’s okay if there were things they didn’t like. Tell them not to put their name on it. Make sure to collect all of the workshop evaluations.
