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HIV symptoms and AIDS-related diseases

from: YOUNG EAGLES’ CHALLENGE: A Peer Education Training Manual for First Nations Youth on HIV/AIDS and Related Issues

Symptom means "subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance." When someone becomes infected with HIV, eventually, there will be evidence or signs that will show up. With HIV and like many infections, a person might feel really tired for no reason or feel like they have a flu that lasts longer than usual. This happens shortly after they have been infected. This does not necessarily mean it is HIV, because the signs can seem like many other diseases. Because the body tries to fight off the infection with those warrior THelper cells, the person usually starts to feel better again in a little while.

However, little by little, the immune system begins to weaken and the THelper cells start to die off and the viral load begins to go up. Most experts believe that a person starts off with an HIV infection and over time, ends up with AIDS. This takes many years, especially if the person goes for a test and finds out they are HIV-positive. There is NO CURE for HIV/AIDS, and there is no vaccine like a needle or pill that can make it go away.

Once you have HIV, you have it for life!

  • As stated, people living with HIV/AIDS need to take between six and ninety-six pills EACH DAY to treat the disease. Many of these pills make the person feel sicker, but many people with HIV take them because it is the only way Doctors know to fight the disease.
  • Many people with HIV/AIDS try to stay as healthy as possible, like eating healthier foods, exercise, getting rid of stress and learning about the disease. Many seek support from other people with HIV/AIDS or turn to close friends and family to help deal with it.
  • People who may use drugs, alcohol or solvents a lot, might not notice right away that they feel sick, because using substances makes people feel hung-over or run down. HIV symptoms can be like other infections too. Only an HIV antibody blood test can show whether you have HIV or not.
  • Men and women can have different symptoms too. More and more women are becoming infected with HIV. Some Doctors used to refuse to test women for HIV, because they felt the highest risks were among gay men or injection drug users. The fact is, anyone can catch HIV.


(Remember, many people will not see any serious signs for quite awhile after becoming infected.)

When someone gets sicker from HIV, they might have:

  • Fevers or chills;
  • Really bad night sweats for weeks;
  • Major weight loss in a short period of time;
  • Swollen glands (in throat, armpits and groin for a long time);
  • Thrush (white spots or a white coating in the mouth);
  • Bad diarrhea that lasts really long, like weeks;
  • Very dry cough and shortness of breath;
  • Fatigue - feeling drained or really tired, is common in both women and men, as with many other symptoms.

  • A lot of yeast infections (hard to get rid of and keep coming back);
  • Thrush (white spots or a white coating in the mouth);
  • Menstrual period changes;
  • PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease);
  • Hormone changes;
  • Bacterial pneumonia;
  • Swollen glands (in throat, armpits and groin for a long time);
  • Cervical changes.

These signs or symptoms mean that things are getting more serious and that other illnesses may be happening. Again, men and women get different kinds of illnesses but symptoms may be similar because the human body is reacting to a new threat. It is the following serious illnesses, cancers and what are called opportunistic infections that eventually take the life of the person living with HIV/AIDS.


YEAST INFECTIONS: The vagina will burn and itch. The vaginal walls will be swollen, have a white or creamy discharge, like cottage cheese. Sex could be painful. The yeast infection might come back a lot, and is hard to get rid of.

SWOLLEN GLANDS: The glands become swollen and sensitive to touch. Glands are in the neck, under arms, behind ears, and inner thighs. THRUSH: Thrush is like what babies get. It happens in the throat andwill be creamy white patches on the tongue and in the mouth.

MENSTRUAL PERIOD CHANGES: Instead of the usual time of month, they may not happen each month. They may get really painful or just seem different from the usual ones.

PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE (PID): This disease causes pain in the stomach, legs and back. There is an unusual discharge from vagina, which has a strong smell and is a thick substance. There may be pain when you go to the bathroom to urinate. There could be bleeding in between periods, fever, nausea, vomiting, and sex becomes painful.

HORMONE CHANGES: Hormone changes can happen with menopause for older women, or from birth control pills, as well as during pregnancy. There can be normal changes within your period cycle, or if the ovaries are removed. HIV can cause hormone changes, like hot flashes, mood changes and certain kinds of vaginal infections.

BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA: This infection attacks the lungs. It is like a cold, usually with fever, chills, and coughing up mucus. The chest area may be sore and have a hard time breathing. This type of pneumonia is common for women with HIV/AIDS.

CERVICAL CHANGES: HIV positive women should go for pap smears every 6 months, since there are greater risk for changes to happen.


PNEUMOCYSTIS CARINII PNEUMONIA (PCP): For men, PCP is the most common infection that comes with AIDS. It fills the lungs, causing coughing and shortness of breath. The cough usually doesn't make any phlegm.

KAPOSI'S SARCOMA (KS): This is a rare skin cancer, and men with AIDS can have it spread throughout the body and organs. It makes different colored blotches on the skin that are dark purple, reddish brown or pink. They also can be different sizes, almost the size of a loonie.

TOXOPLASMOSIS (TOXO): This is a parasite that attacks the brain and could even attack the heart and lungs. It brings fever, seizures, weakness, confusion and headaches.

CRYPTOSPORIDIUM: This can cause severe diarrhea lasting for months. The person with AIDS cannot keep food in the body long enough to allow the body to get any nutrients from it. The person becomes very weak and usually will die from so much loss of fluids.

MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM INTRACELLULARE (MAI): This bacteria is related to Tuberculosis (TB) which can also be a disease that Doctors use to define an AIDS diagnoses. It also affects the lungs and the lymph nodes, and can spread throughout the body. It causes wasting, which means major weight loss in a very short time. This is not an exhaustive or totally complete list of AIDS Defining Illnesses. It is offered here to show some of the more serious ones and how they can be different for men and women.

HIV can turn into AIDS based on:

  • how long a person has the virus;
  • genetics may be a factor for how a body can defend itself or what diseases may occur;
  • mental strengths, such as ability to keep a strong and healthy mind or outlook;
  • how well they take care of themselves to keep strong.

Only a Doctor can tell when you have AIDS.

Doctors can tell by:

  • taking blood tests to measure your T-cell count and see if it goes below 200; and,
  • if you have 2 or more of the other serious illnesses listed above

People living with HIV/AIDS can take three types of treatment. These are known as:

1. Western medicine;
2. Traditional medicine; and
3. Alternative therapies.

Western medicine is what is used by mainstream Doctors who use different tests and medications to treat the illness. Traditional medicine is what some First Nations people use, such as Sweat Lodge ceremonies and many herbs and plants to treat their illness and use what is called aholistic approach that addresses the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health of a person. Alternative therapies are things like naturopathic or homeopathic medicines, massage, therapeutic touch, and reiki, etc. to help keep the body, mind and spirit strong. Some people use one or more of these approaches.