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Myths about talking about sex


  • If you give your children sexual education, they will become sexually active

    A 2001 review of 28 different sexual health research studies concluded that: Sexuality and HIV education programs that include discussion of condoms and contraception do not increase sexual intercourse; they do not hasten the onset of intercourse, do not increase the frequency of intercourse, and do not increase the number of sexual partners (Kirby, 2001).

  • I don't have to answer my daughter's questions, she is still way too young

    These days, kids are discovering sex and sexual behaviour younger and younger, and there really is no such thing as "too young" for some form of sexual discussion. You don't have to rush your child into sexual education, but it's a good idea to play it by ear early; there's really no way of knowing how much your child knows or doesn't know without talking to them.

  • My son will find out soon enough, I will wait until he asks

    Talking about sex can be embarrassing for anyone, especially kids. Or they may think that you'll be upset with them for bringing up the subject or that they're doing something "wrong" by talking about it. It's bad enough if your child's questions are going unanswered, but considering the range of sexual problems out there - disease, accidental pregnancy, etc.. - it's really important to talk to your child and make sure they feel comfortable coming to you.
