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If it happens to you


The first step in dealing with drug-facilitated sexual assault is simply recognizing that it's happened.

If you wake up with no memory or a blurred memory, there are a few signs that might help you tell if you've been assaulted.

  • You were not drinking alcohol or using drugs
  • Your muscles are sore
  • You have bruises or other signs of sexual assault
  • You have been undressed, or your clothes are ripped, missing or stained

If you're sure or seriously suspect that you have been drugged and sexually assaulted, you should see a doctor right away:

  • You may want to see a doctor or pharmacist for emergency contraception (the "morning-after" Pill) to prevent pregnancy.
  • You may want to get tested for STIs or pregnancy. There are also ways for a doctor to reduce the risk of getting an STI if you have been raped.
  • You may want to ask about speaking with a counselor of psychologist.

Doctors don't always have to report a sexual assault, but they will if you're young or they feel you're still in danger. Often, you won't have to press charges if you don't want to.

You may want to report the assault to police. This is a tough and personal decision that you have to make on your own. But if you are going to report the assault, it is best to do it soon, while there is still evidence. If you believe that you've been drugged, blood and urine samples can be taken to test for these drugs in your system, but the sooner these tests are done the better.

The police will have to be involved to have this testing performed, but often the decision to press charges will remain in your hands. Often you can make this decision later, so if you are at all considering pressing charges it's important to have samples collected as soon as possible.

You should call the police who will arrange for you to see a doctor right away . The doctor can then provide a medico-legal exam which involves collecting samples that may show proof of sexual assault. To help preserve evidence you should:

  • If you think you were drugged, try not to urinate
  • Do not douche or shower
  • Do not wash the clothes you were wearing during the assault
  • Do not disturb physical evidence
  • If you think you were drugged and still have a cup or bottle that you were drinking from, bring it with you to the police to be tested for drugs

If you report, the police will understand that sometimes it's not in your best interest to press charges. They know what you've gone through and may not want to make you a further victim by forcing an investigation and trial.

Usually, unless you are under 16 or are still in danger, you won't have to press charges if you don't want to. Even if you do decide to press charges, you will often be able to drop the charges even after an investigation has begun. If you don't want to press charges, police may also offer to just warn the person who committed the sexual assault to try to stop them from doing it again in the future.

If you were drugged (or suspect that you were drugged) at a bar, restaurant or other public place, you may also be able to anonymously report it to Crime Stoppers or the police, so that they can investigate the location.

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