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This site is dedicated to introducing videoconferencing and its many applications including health, education, connecting elders, and much much more!
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K-NET Videocon
Your one-stop-shop for all your videoconferencing needs!

Video conferencing combines the benefits of face-to-face interaction with the power of telecommunications. Meetings with distant colleagues may be arranged quickly, easily and at a fraction of the cost and time involved in travel.

Video conferencing involves conducting a meeting between two or more participants at different locations. It uses special equipment, phone services and computer networks to transmit audio and video so that conference participants may communicate with each other. You are able to see, hear and carry on a presentation or meeting with your remote participant as if you were in the same room. The reality is that everyone can be in separate locations.

Here at KO-KNET Video Conferencing Services, we want to give you the chance to improve and advance your business/organization. We will help make your next meeting as easy as phoning your travel agent (and cheaper too).

We have created this site to provide video conference resources and information about video conferencing. Feel free to browse this site for tips and documentation to assist you in your video conferences. Visit often as we continue to upload materials.


Lyle Johnson
Polycom Certified VideoConferencing Engineer
Keewaytinook Okimakanak (K-Net)
Box 1439, 115 King Street
Sioux Lookout, ON, P8T 1B9
Tel: 807-737-1135, Toll-Free: 877-737-KNET (5638)ext 1387
Cell: 807-216-5210
Fax: 807-737-1720
e-mail: lylejohnson@knet.ca
web: http://knet.ca
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Any data such as presentations, spreadsheets, and schematics that can be displayed and presented to far side endpoints, or received and view on the near side