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Wiki - Working document | Some ideas drawn from our discussions over the past few months Where are we now? · We have a variety of projects (see the Letter of Intent) which can provide guidance in the transition to resilient communities. The projects include guidance both on what communities need to do,(e.g. grow our own food) as well as tell us how ( processes) we need to go about doing it · We have created a community-university partnership that is (and will continue) to build on the strengths that we both have to offer. · Our network includes First Nations, Francophones & Anglophones & some recent immigrants – the diversity of Northern Ontario and which stretches across the region. · We are connected to a number of other research networks – the CURAs we have identified, as well as others – which we can learn from and which will help support us in our work · We have made a commitment to the use of technology to bridge the geographic distances and to support our research. Where do we want to go? (Long term vision) (5 years time CURA project) A) Establish a common vision of where we want Northern Ontario to be in 5 –10 - 20 years and vision statement, determine how this CURA opportunity will allow this vision to continue on into the future. B) Future Goals: · In 5 years’ time, we shall have a network of at least 100 social actors (the majority of whom are under 40) across the North who share a common vision and set of principles, who are acting in communities to establish policies and practices that will serve us well in a post-carbon era. · At least 25 communities in Northern Ontario will have identified themselves as communities transitioning to resilience and will have formed an alliance to continue this work. · Every library (public and school) in Northern Ontario shall have a series of short videos available on Northern Communities Transitioning to Resilience. · Northern Ontario will be recognized by other regions in Canada as a leader in developing strategies to live sustainably in a post-carbon era. How are we going to get there? A) Research Methods · Use GIS technology to map transitioning communities in Northern Ontario and tell their stories. · Conduct case studies to support mapping, and to explore & understand the processes used by transitioning communities. · Participatory Action Research to enhance, expand and accelerate efforts towards transition. · Match undergraduate and graduate students with communities who share common interests and values to develop a network of social actors embedded in community based research. B) Knowledge Dissemination · Create a Northern Ontario database and webpage that uses Digital Storytellers techniques to teach communities and researchers how to make videos and post them to the internet using media such as youtube and facebook, as well as tools such as KNET. · Post our maps of transitioning communities to a variety of sites. · Create and expand web-based resources. · Develop a MA in Community Based Research. · Create a monthly (weekly? Annual?) radio show for Wawatay and CBC North. · Incorporate this learning into college and university curricula. · Develop curricula resources for secondary schools. · Present at academic conferences, write academic papers, publish a book. · Do a weekly series of articles throughout years 2-5 for publication in community based weekly newspapers across the North. · Make materials available in Cree, Oji-Cree, French and English. · Present to policy makers at an annual policy conference. · Increase positive public opinion towards this long term vision by proactively informing, debating and proposing ideas through the different mass media. C) Resources and Collaborations beyond the CURA · Procuring and developing resources in encouraging, supporting and expanding the social economy. · Encouraging, supporting and expanding interdisciplinary approaches in answering the research questions D) Governance · Encouraging community governments to take an active participation in the decision making process. · Expanding partnerships with community based groups. | Group | Monday, 26 April 2010, 09:23 AM |