Picture of Rob McMahon
New report - Wiring the Future of the North
by Rob McMahon - Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 01:31 PM

On July 29, the Conference Board of Canada's Centre for the North released its comprehensive report on northern and Aboriginal connectivity in Canada.

The report, written by Dr. Adam Fiser and Anja Jeffrey, is titled Wiring the Future of the North: Report on Northern Connectivity. According to the report webpage:

In the information age, communications infrastructure is a critical enabler of both economic opportunity and social cohesion. Because the immediate need of Northerners for improved critical connectivity infrastructure is evident, it forms the primary focus of our upcoming report on Telecommunications and Broadband Connectivity: Mapping the Long-Term Options for Canada's North.


The report summary lists several conclusions. It highlights the following point around Aboriginal connectivity:

"Aboriginal participation in network development and IT services deserves encouragement and support. Not all Aboriginal communities and organizations are ready to host or manage network services, and not all Aboriginal governments and businesses are prepared to invest in network infrastructure. A one-size-fits-all approach to Aboriginal inclusion is insufficient and may be counterproductive."