SICK -AM. Signed on my Knet email/homepage & breeze room. Submitted lastweeks weekly report. Planned my March Calendar.
Tuesday March 1st/2011
Wednesday March 2/2011
Signed on knet/email&homepage. went for office mail. Nativelanguage & Phyed teachers were in today. I emailed michael(ELDERProj.) to see when the information packages were going to mailed out. Really excited on getting this program going before my position ends.
Thursday March 3/2011
Computer Group Gr's 6-8 MavisBeacon program. Had a little meeting with the principle & grade 2-5 teacher on rescheduling the computer dates and groups. I Will be taking the Gr's jk-1 ONLY On Tuesdays. And Having the Grades 2-5 ONLY On Thursdays. But keeping the senior classes on both Tues/Thurs. Supervised Afternoon recess. signed on my knet email/homepage.
Went out selling tickets for the ''EVERYDAY HAMPER'' school fundraiser for class trips.
Friday March 4/2011
Submitted weekly report. signed on my knet email/homepage. signed into the breeze room.FINALLY recieved my ELDER Project information today had another meeting with the principal about scheduling a date for me to upload the software into the schools laptops.
Marchbreak meeting with all the frontline workers. planning the weeks events/trips for the week for the community