by Connie White - Friday, 25 February 2011, 09:09 AM
Monday 21st- Happy Family Day!
Tuesday 22nd- normal work day. Followed my schedule. The grade 7 and 8s were gone to Whitefish Bay for a volleyball tournament.
Wednesday 23rd- PD day for the staff and a workshop on SMARTboards. It was also Parent-Teacher interviews. I organized my materials for the following Thursday.
Thursday 24th- regular day for me. followed my schedule. I also received a new computer for my office space, and I am currently waiting on my school laptop. The principal also gave me 4 subscriptions to any magazine for my office/resource room. I think I'm going to get one for each class so the kids will have something to leisurely read when/if they finish their studies early. I particularly like my grade 7 and 8 students. They each chose the same book and that is "Maniac Magee". I find that I am even getting into the story and I can't wait for our next session.
Friday 25th- Today I'll be working on my materials for next week. Monday is my day to sit in on classes and start book studies. Grades 1,2,3 the teacher and I are working jointly on "Where the Wild Things Are". 4,5,6: Charlotte's Web ( I have made up my own worksheets for the kids). 7/8: The teacher chose a graphic novel called "Crying for a Vision".
As for the JKs and SKs, I think I'm just going to bring "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". It comes with a big book, 4 little books, and a CD.
Two children transferred out of Ojibway Heritage School. Those two were in my program as well, so I have some time slots to fill.