14th- subed for at the winter road security, got off came home, some one asked me how to clean the computer, i went to thier house and showed them clean disc c in the computer and defragmentered thier computer.
15th - same like the other day went to the winter road and sat there. only for the morning, then i went to the band office and fax'ed paper's. sat around.
16th - been waiting for this person to come to the band office but never showed up, but instead secitary asked me if i wanted to help her file and fax couple of paper's..answered few calls here and there.
17th - clinic drove the medical van in the after noon 1 to 5
18th - finally the person who asked me about computer's, came at my house, he was telling me that he ordered a computer for himself and was wondering how to install things that he wanted in his computer, so i showed him the basic's how to do it, plus how to clean his own omputer when he get it..thats about