by Lucas Moses - Friday, 11 February 2011, 12:24 PM
Monday February 7, 2011
Continued my Online Course with ALISON (Intro to Information Technology), Supervised students in the library, assisted them with assignments, shut down computers in Computer Labs 1 & 2, Helped the Travel Club with tickets
Tuesday February 8, 2011
Scanned and updated the computer I use, continued my online course, supervised students in Library, shut down computers in Labs 1 & 2, helped the travel club with tickets, helped the grade 8's in selling candy grams for Valentine's Day.
Wednesday February 9, 2011
This was my Birthday!!! Continued with my online course, supervised students in Library and drove a student home with the school van.
Thursday February 10, 2011
Continued my online course, attended a staff meeting with "First Nation Student Success Program", supervised students in Library, shut down computers in Lab 2
Friday February 11, 2011
I am going to complete my online course today! Supervising students in Library and I will be shutting down the computers in Labs 1 & 2 at the end of the day.