by Geneva Kejick - Friday, 28 January 2011, 02:43 PM
Monday January 24th- Supervised the KIHS room. I got a ton of new students so I helped them get log ins for the laptops. I helped them with their assignments.
Tuesday January 25th- I started working on this book for my training that I have to go back for in February. I got pretty far on the first day its a lot of fun and keeps me busy. I supervised the KIHS room. Got some more students so provided them with laptops.
Wednesday-Continued working on the training book. Supervised the KIHS room. Helped with the schools volleyball tournament. I didnt get off till 9pm so hellloooooo OVERTIME! lol jk.
Thursday- I worked on my book. I finished most of it. Well chapter one I still have like 100 pages to go, prob 90. It alot of work it keeps me busy so its good! I supervised the KIHS room and helped the students with their assignments.
Friday- Two of my students left today to go to school somewhere else. So I had a little cake, chip and party for them. I supervised the KIHS room and put the two students that left, laptops away .
Cal is mailing me a video camera I havent decided on what to make a video on