AM- ILC SCHOOL / Still having problems signing in my Knet email account.
PM- ILC SCHOOL / Organized storage rooms, new order of school supplies.
Tuesday Jan11/2011
AM- ComputerClass - Grades 5-8 - typing deluxe, portion of the kids in this grade are at 60WPM
PM- ComputerClass Grades Jk-1 / Grades 2-4
Wednesday Jan12/2011
AM- Signed on knet homepage. completed 3 modules on my ComputerBasics training. another 2more lessons.. and the training is COMPLETED :D
PM- Signed on knet homepage. did another lesson on my ComputerBasics. Knet Meeting @2:30pm. but the meeting place, was acting kinda screwy :S so, i just reviewed the meeting(recorded). Submitted timesheet.
Thursday Jan13/2011
AM- Time card was stolen from the staff room. had to re-do my timecard, and figure out my hours. :S CANCELLED MORNING COMPUTERCLASS !!
PM- ComputerClass 2-4
Friday Jan14/2011
PM- Weekly report submitted. signed on my knet homepage. ILC SCHOOL !