Tuesaday - Came in and got situated all over again, after being at the health centre for 2 weeks it was weird to be back in the school! Went up and worked with the kindergardens.
Wednesday - created visuals to help the little guys log onto the computer and worked with the JKs in the afternoon
Thursday - worked with the grade 1s in the morning, jks and sks in the afternoon (im amazed by what little time i've had with them, how much they've absorbed! most already memorized the loggin in and password! I love watching their chubby little fingers try type.. to cute!). Got a call with a job offer for Lands and Resources for their Administrative Assistant and accepted. Talked with supervisor about it and agreed to be contacted by the new worker incase they need any help.
Friday - Got all the work I've been working on together and put a package together for the next person who will be working.