Community Stories
First Mile video from KiHS in Sachigo LakeSachigo Lake - Ontario
Tyrell Kowtiash and Myron Tait produced this video for the First Mile project.
The video shows us life in a KiHS classroom. Let's say it's a version your teacher doesn't want you to see!
Tyrell and Myron worked with their KiHS teacher Eli Pivnick to pull together this video. The video shows the importance of connectivity in Sachigo Lake, which is a remote fly-in community in northern Ontario.
As you're watching the video, consider that the KiHS classroom only exists because the community receives connectivity. The students use computers and an Internet connection to access course content. You'll notice a computer in almost every shot in the video, which demonstrates how much they are used here.
Sachigo Lake is a small Oji-Cree community connected to the rest of the world through a C-Band satellite connection. This satellite link is managed by a partnership between First Nations and Inuit organizations.
In time the satellite connection will be replaced with a fibre optic link. Read about this project, the Northwest Ontario Broadband Expansion Initiative, here.
The community also owns and operates its local cable network. Along with using this network to deliver education and health services, they use it to plan events. For example, check out this webpage for the annual Sachigo Lake Fishing Derby.
Find out more
Sachigo Lake Fishing DerbyNorthwest Ontario Broadband Expansion Initiative