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Aboriginal Connectivity Strategy (AANDC)

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) (formerly Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, or INAC) has been tasked with developing an Aboriginal connectivity strategy. Although ANNDC began administering the First Nations SchoolNet program in 2006, the department has only had broad authority over broadband infrastructure and connectivity development as of 2009, when it became part of the broader First Nations Infrastructure Fund (FNIF) portfolio. However, it appears that while connectivity has been added to eligible funding categories under FNIF, this new program responsibility does not yet seem to have been accompanied with any new dedicated funding for this purpose. The Aboriginal connectivity strategy is still just a concept, as nothing has yet been publicly released. It is not clear if and how it will be connected to the Government of Canada's emerging digital economy strategy. It is also unclear if the strategy will address broadband infrastructure, connectivity services, or both. Furthermore, there have to date been no opportunities for First Nations and Inuit groups to participate in the development of the strategy through targeted, formal consultations.
