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  • Bibliography -- First Mile research

Bibliography -- First Mile research

This page offers a bibliography of and links to publications that reference the First Mile report. Please send us suggestions of other First Mile research we can add to this page. If you are doing research in this area we would like to hear from you!

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Publications available now:

Whiteduck, T.,Beaton, B., Burton, K., & O’Donnell, S. (2012) Democratic Ideals Meet Reality: Developing Locally Owned and Managed Broadband Networks and ICT Services in Rural and Remote First Nations in Quebec and Canada. Keynote paper for the Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) Conference, Prato, Italy, November.

Gibson, K., Kakekaspan, M., Kakekaspan, G., O’Donnell, S., Walmark, B., Beaton, B.,and the People of Fort Severn First Nation (2012) A History of Communication by Fort Severn First Nation Community Members: From Hand Deliveries to Virtual Pokes. Proceedings of the iConference 2012 , Toronto, Canada, February.

McMahon, R.,O'Donnell, S., Smith, R., Walmark, B., Beaton, B., Simmonds, J. (2011). Digital Divides and the ‘First Mile’: Framing First Nations Broadband Development in Canada. The International Indigenous Policy Journal,2(2). Retrieved from:

McMahon, R., O’Donnell, S., Smith, R., Woodman Simmonds, J., Walmark, B.(2010) Putting the ‘last-mile’ first: Re-framing broadband development in First Nations and Inuit communities.Vancouver: Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology (CPROST), Simon Fraser University, December.

O’Donnell, S., Kakekaspan, M., Beaton, B.,Walmark, B., Gibson, K. (2011) How the Washaho Cree Nation at Fort Severn isUsing a “First Mile Approach” to Deliver Community Services.Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, George Mason University School of Law, Arlington, Virginia, USA, September.

O’Donnell,S., Kakekaspan, G., Beaton, B., Walmark, B., Mason, R., Mak, M. (2011) A New Remote Community-Owned Wireless Communication Service: Fort Severn First Nation Builds Their Local Cellular System with Keewaytinook Mobile. Canadian Journal of Communication. 36(4), 363-373.

O’Donnell, S., Kakekaspan, G., Walmark,B., Mason, R., Mak, M. (2011) Keewaytinook Mobile in Fort Severn First Nation.Canadian Communication Association (CCA 2011) Fredericton, June.

Publications available soon:

O’Donnell,S., Johnson, L., Kakepetum-Schultz, T., Burton,K., Whiteduck, T., Mason, R., Beaton, B., McMahon, R., Gibson, K. (2013, in press) Videoconferencing for First Nations Community-Controlled Education,Health and Development. Electronic Journal of Communication. (this publication will be available in early 2013)

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