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Subject Area: Literacy, Native Languages  

Recommended Grade Levels: 1-8


Kwordquiz is a tool that gives you a powerful new way to master new vocabularies. It may be a language or any other sort of terminology, and you will be able to create flash cards to help students study. It is very easy to use, there are five different practice modes, flashcard and quiz types, and several vocabulary document are supported.

Ontario Elementary Curriculum Expectations for Language (2006) Grades 1 – 8

*note: this is based on the 2006 Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Language*

Spelling Familiar Words

3.1 spell some high-frequency words correctly

Spelling Unfamiliar Words

3.2 spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, and word meanings


3.3 confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using one or two resources

Full curriculum information at:

How can KWordquiz help?

With KWordquiz, students from any grade and educators can work side-by-side to create flash cards to emphasize practice with terms and vocabulary with virtually any subject!  KWordquiz can especially help for native languages courses, as it is able to create cards with syllabic text. It can also help to develop good study habits for students, a bank of terms for quizzing during class, and even be used as a testing module! The possibilities for Kwordquiz are endless!
