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Subject Area: Literacy, Language

Recommended Grade Levels: 1 - 6

Kanagram is a program from the KDE project - this program mixes up the letters of a word (creating an anagram), and you have to guess what the mixed up word is. Kanagram features several built-in word lists, hints, and a cheat feature which reveals the original word.

Kanagram Screenshot

Figure 1 : Kanagram Screenshot

Ontario Elementary Curriculum Expectations for Language (2006) Grades 1 – 8

*note: this is based on the 2006 Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Language*

Spelling Familiar Words

3.1 spell some high-frequency words correctly

Spelling Unfamiliar Words

3.2 spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, and word meanings


3.3 confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using one or two resources

Full curriculum information at:

How can Kanagram help?

Kanagram is a word game that provides opportunities to students to use words naturally in a variety of contexts, to connect new words to those that they already know, and to practice spelling. Playing word games develops student awareness of rhyme and word patterns, and stimulates inquisitiveness about the meaning of words. Word anagrams have been effectively used before to support Ontario student success in literacy, and Kanagram brings this success to the computer lab.
