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Conference Papers and Proceedings
#69 (2014)

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Publication #69 2014, May - A critical understanding of adult learning, education and training using information and communication technologies (ICT) in remote First Nations

Reference: Beaton, B., Carpenter, P. (2014) A critical understanding of adult learning, education and training using information and communication technologies (ICT) in remote First Nations. Canadian Association for Study of Indigenous Education. Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario, May.

Abstract: Through a critical settler colonialism lens we explore how information and communication technologies (ICT) supports learning, education and training and First Nation control of these processes in remote communities. The central theme of the current study is that decolonization is about land and creating the conditions necessary so Indigenous peoples have the opportunity to connect with and live sustainably on their traditional territories. Remote First Nations across Canada face considerable challenges and opportunities related to adult learning and quality education and training programs for local citizens. Our study, conducted in partnership with the Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO) tribal council, explores how community members living in five remote First Nations in northwestern Ontario are using ICT for informal learning and education and training opportunities. KO and the researchers conducted an online survey of residents of the KO First Nations in early 2014 that included many open-ended response questions to ensure the voices of community members are heard. The critical analysis considers how the survey findings relate to the ongoing project of decolonization, and in particular, how these new ICT opportunities support the ability of community members to stay on the land.

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