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Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2012-669

In December 2012, the CRTC provided notice of a public hearing to take place in June 2013, which would review the regulatory framework of Northwestel. The hearing will be largely centered around Northwestel’s investment in existing network infrastructure, as well as the funding details of their Modernization Plan. The First Mile Connectivity Consortium and K’atl’odeechee First Nation provided consultations to the CRTC submission, and made suggestions for further consideration. These suggestions included: 

Transport facilities. Open access long-haul (backbone) infrastructure
Local infrastructure. Support for community networks.
Participation. First Nations community involvement in broadband development

Specifically, the consultation calls for the availability of subsidies for community-based infrastructures, as well as the involvement of affected community members in the consultation process.     

Additional First Nations parties to contribute submission to these hearings include:
