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The Eagle adapted from: YOUNG EAGLES’ CHALLENGE: A Peer Education Training Manual for First Nations Youth on HIV/AIDS and Related Issues
In many First Nations, the Eagle is a symbol of sacred status, gifted to fulfill a certain role of being a leader among our feathered relatives. There are many aspects of how the Eagle lives and fulfills these responsibilities. Eagles are known to be superb hunters. They also fly so high, it is believed that they can carry our prayers up to the Creator. They can see dangers because they fly so high and their vision is so good, they can spot food deep below the waters. Eagles mate for life, and both the male and female Eagle work together to protect and care for the Eaglets in their nest. Even in how Eagles make their nest, there is good planning. First, they start building the nest with large branches. The nest itself can be about 20 feet wide. Next, they put in other rough items, such as glass and smaller twigs to help the nest stay strong. But obviously, branches and glass would be too rough to raise babies. So they add straw to help soften it, and finally, they will add feathers to make a nice soft, warm bed to help raise their family. Both the male and female Eagle will take turns watching the babies. When it comes time for the Eaglets to be on their way, the mother Eagle begins to prepare them, by first taking the softer items out of the nest. She will remove the feathers and straw, so that after awhile, the Eaglets are standing on roughness. She makes it uncomfortable for them to stay because she knows they must go out and experience the world on their own. Eventually, the young Eagles get tired of standing and are pushed out of the nest. The parents have done their job. This manual is what happens after Young Eagles are pushed from their nest. It is hoped that parents have done their job to protect and care for their young ones. But there comes a time when they too must go out into the world and fend for themselves. Whether the echoes of the teachings those parents have provided is enough, only time will tell. This manual is a meant to offer important information, so that Young Eagles can learn about a serious threat, and find ways to protect themselves. In the spirit of our heritages, it is also about sharing this information because it is important for everyone to know. Fly strong and proud Young Eagles - and share the teachings. |