Useful Links
Book of Useful Links
Site: | K-Net Meeting Place |
Meeting Place: | Here for You |
Book: | Useful Links |
Printed by: | Guest User |
Date: | Wednesday, 29 January 2025, 12:13 AM |
Have Fun, Be Safe
This is a great site for youth regarding the safe sex, STIs, and other related sexual health topics. Very interactive and appealing to the eye!Northwestern Health Unit
The mission of the Northwestern Health Unit is to improve the quality and length of life in the rural and remote communities in Northwestern Ontario: healthy lifestyles, longer lives lived well.
Northwestern Health Unit achieves its mission by:
Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE) is a site with a multitude of resources for prevention, treatment, and living with HIV.The Positive Side
The Positive Side touches on all the aspects of your health that need nurturing: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and sexual. It is chock-full of resources, practical information and useful tips to inform and empower your decisions about maintaining your health and well-being. Many of these pointers come directly from people who are living with HIV.
Our main message? There may be some things in life – and living with HIV – that are beyond your control, but there are many things you can do to make the best of living with HIV.
You can visit at:
Live Positive
This site was developed by a partnership between Positive Youth Outreach (PYO), The Hospital for Sick Children Divisions of Adolescent Medicine & Infectious Disease, Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE), and TeenNet at the University of Toronto in collaboration with youth and youth serving agencies across Canada. You can learn more at: and U is committed to providing you credible and up-to-date information and education on sexual health. This web site is made possible with the guidance and collaboration of a team of distinguished Canadian medical organizations, and is administered by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.CAAN
National Aboriginal Association dedicated to providing leadership, support and advocacy for Aboriginal people living with and affected by HIV or AIDS. You can learn more at: the Children
The Raising the Children Program works with Aboriginal parents to ensure the happiness and well-being of their children.
We help by providing an open access manual for facilitators and teachers (name and link to manual) all of whom are welcome to be partners in our work of helping parents and children. Together we have been using this program and learning with and from parents since 1990.
We are a virtual meeting place where teachers, parents and facilitators can meet to learn from each other and to continue to develop our program and its approach.
The Raising the Children Program is dedicated to the late Lorraine Kenny (1955 - 2010) who was the developer and author or the program along with many colleagues, parents, communities and her family.
Please visit at:
NAN Aids and Health Lifestyles
Nishnawbe Aski Nation AIDS & Healthy Lifestyles Program focuses on education, awareness and prevention throughout the 49 communities of the NAN territory.
Health Canada
The Health Canada website for Aboriginal HIV AIDS. For more information, please visit at: Spirited Way
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations is a non-profit social services organization whose membership consits of Aboriginal gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in Toronto.the 2-Spirits organization's programs and services includes