Risk Rater
Kissing exposes you to JUST A FEW STIs.
- Some STIs can live in saliva.
- Some STIs can be transmitted through cuts and sores in your mouth.
Safer Sex Options: avoid kissing when cuts or sores are present in or around the mouth.
Skin to skin touching exposes you to JUST A FEW STIs.
- Some STIs produce bumps, rashes or pus on the outside of the body.
- You can usually catch these STIs by touching that area and then touching yourself.
Safer Sex Options: condom, dental dam, female condom, gloves, skip it.
Oral Sex
Giving Oral Sex exposes you to many STIs.
- Some STIs live in semen and vaginal fluids.
- Some STIs can be transmitted through cuts and sores in the genital area.
Getting Oral Sex exposes you to many STIs.
- Some STIs live in saliva and other body fluids.
- Some STIs can be transmitted through cuts and sores in your mouth.
Safer Sex Options: dental dam, condom, skip it.
Vaginal Sex
Vaginal Sex exposes you to ALL STIs.
- One person’s genitals enter the other person’s body.
- There is an exchange of body fluids like semen and vaginal fluids.
Safer Sex Options: condom, female condom, skip it.
Anal Sex
Anal sex exposes you to ALL STIs.
- One person’s genitals enter the other person’s body.
- There is an exchange of body fluids like semen.
- The skin inside the anus is very delicate and sensitive.
Safer Sex Options: use lots of lube to avoid any small tears of the skin, condom, skip it
Birth control protects against pregnancy, not STIs. Always use a condom even if you are using birth control.