Rate Your Risk!

from http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/std-mts/risk-eng.php#k

Risk Rater

just a few


just a few

Kissing exposes you to JUST A FEW STIs.

Safer Sex Options: avoid kissing when cuts or sores are present in or around the mouth.


just a few

Skin to skin touching exposes you to JUST A FEW STIs.

Safer Sex Options: condom, dental dam, female condom, gloves, skip it.

Oral Sex


Giving Oral Sex exposes you to many STIs.

Getting Oral Sex exposes you to many STIs.

Safer Sex Options: dental dam, condom, skip it.

Vaginal Sex


Vaginal Sex exposes you to ALL STIs.

Safer Sex Options: condom, female condom, skip it.

Anal Sex


Anal sex exposes you to ALL STIs.

Safer Sex Options: use lots of lube to avoid any small tears of the skin, condom, skip it

Birth control protects against pregnancy, not STIs. Always use a condom even if you are using birth control.