Smart Sex Workshop Outline
Condom Demonstration

Activity Summary:

Allow the participants to get hands on experience putting on a condom.

Use a jelly or wooden dildo as the model. Introduce the model by name to get the participants laughing and to create a fun atmosphere. Pick the best option based on time available, number of participants, level of control/rowdiness, maturity, etc.

(This puts a lot of focus on one member of the group. It can either be hard to get a volunteer or too many people may want to have a turn).

  1. Check the expiration date
  2. Open the condom without snagging it with nails, jewelry, or teeth
  3. Check which way the condom rolls easily so it goes on right side out
  4. Add a drop of lube on the inside of the condom
  5. Pinch the tip
  6. Roll the condom all the way down to the base of the penis
  7. Add lubricant for slippery, sensual s-excitation